I came -TheRadicalOne
That truly was the best flash ever! Really it was just funny and original, the cracking voice was a little annoying but I can live with that.
I came -TheRadicalOne
That truly was the best flash ever! Really it was just funny and original, the cracking voice was a little annoying but I can live with that.
Sorry I need a new mic!
Thank you! Somebody needed to say that!
You actually used facts (kinda) to present your claim, you jhad a subtitle, a clear voice and clearly enough time to put some effort into this.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the feedback.
Your just a pawn in Newgrounds grand scheme to...
Awesome. The voice of the guys really made this worth watching. Also random missle = win
Good reviews from people = True win.
Perfect! in like every way!
At first this flash looked alright... And then when you got to the part where pico and the voter were talking I jammed the 5 button like no tomarrow!
Really nice screen work, and the camera was set just right.
My only gripe was pico's voice, it just didn't seem to suit him, but that is easily overlooked.
Happy Pico day!
A very happy Pico Day to you TOO sir! Thanks for the GREAT first review and the 5!
Really good for your first time
like I said, sweet. Also can you add an end screen? I kept on watching for a while.
Haha, awesome, someone recognised it was Contra!
Hey your back!
I remember voting 5 for you like a year ago or something, good to see you resubmiting.
Anyway I think you captured the entire "hive mind" idea of stores like that pretty well and I'm glad you improved the voices and everything.
oh yeah...PROTECTED!
Thanks man! I appreciate it, ya I think stores like Wal-mart are really ruining not only this country's economy, but its heritage as well. Screw corporate bullshit!
This was one religous flash that I liked for once
I thought the way you kinda made the background move and wave of it's own accord was amazing and beautiful, and the scientists were well done in terms of detail.
The joke made me chuckle just out of pure instict, I like that about jokes, just BOOM the funny, you don't really have to think too deeply about it.
Over all job well done, you got the point across and looked damn good doing it.
cool, thanks for the graphics mark :D
glad you enjoyed it very much!
Yeah, still at it.
Age 34, Male
Graphic designer
Joined on 11/28/05